Bes=do; 6/4

Banyak keluh dan kesah
B`ri terangmu di tempat g`lap itu
Girangkanlah yang susah

Jadikan aku saluran berkat
Dan pemancar terang Yesus
Jadikan aku o, Jurus`lamat
Saluran berkat bagi s`kalian

Wartakan Kristus dengan kasihNya,
PengampunanNya penuh
Orang ?kan datang ?pabila engkau
Menjadi saksi teguh

Seperti Tuhan memb`ri padamu
Dan mengasihi dikau
B`ri bantuanmu di mana perlu,
Yesus mengutus engkau

Out in the highways and byways of life
Many are weary and sad
Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife
Making the sorrowing glad

Make me a blessing 2x
Out f my life may Jesus shine
Make me a blessing o Savior I pray
Make me a blessing to someone today

Tell the sweet story of Christ and His love
Tell of His pow`r to forgive
Others will trust Him if only you prove
True, ev`ry moment you live

Give as ?twas given to you in your need
Love as the Master loved you
Be to the helpless a helper indeed
Unto your mission be true
Syair: Ira B. Wilson
Lagu: George S. Schuler