Lagu Paling Sering Dicari |
Es= do; 4/4
Yang mengubah hati cemar
Cerita terang dan damai
Cerita kekal benar 2x
Habis malam terbitlah fajar
Fajar hidup yang cemerlang
Kerajaan Kristus kan dating
Penuh kasih dan terang
Mari kabarkan Juruselamat
Hingga tiap insan kenal
Supaya segala bangsa
Beroleh hidup kekal 2x
Yang mengubah hati cemar
Cerita terang dan damai
Cerita kekal benar 2x
Habis malam terbitlah fajar
Fajar hidup yang cemerlang
Kerajaan Kristus kan dating
Penuh kasih dan terang
Mari kabarkan Juruselamat
Hingga tiap insan kenal
Supaya segala bangsa
Beroleh hidup kekal 2x
Seg`nap hatiku menyembahMu
Seluruh jiwaku memujiMu,
Ku memujaMu ya Allahku
?Kubrikan hatiku dan jiwaku,
Semuanya bagiMu
Di dalam hidupku di setiap waktu,
Nyatakan jalanMu
This is my desire to honour You
Lord with all my heart I worship You
All I have within me I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord I give You my heart,
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Ev`ry breath that I take
Ev`ry moment I`m awake
Lord have Your way in me
Seg`nap hatiku menyembahMu
Seluruh jiwaku memujiMu,
Ku memujaMu ya Allahku
?Kubrikan hatiku dan jiwaku,
Semuanya bagiMu
Di dalam hidupku di setiap waktu,
Nyatakan jalanMu
This is my desire to honour You
Lord with all my heart I worship You
All I have within me I give You praise
All that I adore is in You
Lord I give You my heart,
I give You my soul
I live for You alone
Ev`ry breath that I take
Ev`ry moment I`m awake
Lord have Your way in me
As= do; 4/4
Kudengar suara Yesus
Jangan takut, Ku besertamu
Hidupku sentosa t`rus
Yesus Yesus Tuhan nama yang merdu
Yang mengaruniakan lagu dalam hatiku
Amat hina dulu hidupku
Jauh dari kesukaan
Lalu dib`rikanNya ku lagu
Kunyanyikan pujian
S`karang kualami rahmatNya
Kuberlindung pada Yesus
Ku tetap memandang wajahNya
Maka ku menyanyi t`rus
Kudengar suara Yesus
Jangan takut, Ku besertamu
Hidupku sentosa t`rus
Yesus Yesus Tuhan nama yang merdu
Yang mengaruniakan lagu dalam hatiku
Amat hina dulu hidupku
Jauh dari kesukaan
Lalu dib`rikanNya ku lagu
Kunyanyikan pujian
S`karang kualami rahmatNya
Kuberlindung pada Yesus
Ku tetap memandang wajahNya
Maka ku menyanyi t`rus
F=do; ?
Pujilah hai Malaikat, Balatentara Tuhan,
Matahari dan Bulan Bintang t`rang memuji Tuhan
Dialah yang patut dipuji; Pujilah Tuhan
Pujilah Tuhan! Pujilah Tuhan di bumi
Nyanyikanlah pujian, hai segala makhluk ciptaanNya, pujilah Allah Tuhanmu
Pujilah hai umatNya,
Dialah yang patut dipuji;
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise Him from the heavens above
Praise Him all His Angels!
Praise Him all His hosts
Praise Him ye Him o sun and moon
Praise Him all ye stars of light for Him name is to be praised,
Praise ye the Lord
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise Him from the earth below
Praise Him all ye fruitful trees,
Mountain and all hills
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye Him o people
For Him name is to praised,
Praise ye the Lord.
Mazmur 148, Musik & Syair : Dale Garrat (dari PBSR no.696)
Pujilah hai Malaikat, Balatentara Tuhan,
Matahari dan Bulan Bintang t`rang memuji Tuhan
Dialah yang patut dipuji; Pujilah Tuhan
Pujilah Tuhan! Pujilah Tuhan di bumi
Nyanyikanlah pujian, hai segala makhluk ciptaanNya, pujilah Allah Tuhanmu
Pujilah hai umatNya,
Dialah yang patut dipuji;
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise Him from the heavens above
Praise Him all His Angels!
Praise Him all His hosts
Praise Him ye Him o sun and moon
Praise Him all ye stars of light for Him name is to be praised,
Praise ye the Lord
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise Him from the earth below
Praise Him all ye fruitful trees,
Mountain and all hills
Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye Him o people
For Him name is to praised,
Praise ye the Lord.
Mazmur 148, Musik & Syair : Dale Garrat (dari PBSR no.696)
Es= do; 4/4
Langit, bumi, memuji Dia,
Bintang pun menggema
Ini dunia Bapa, hatiku tenanglah
Pohon, bunga, langit dan laut,
Nyatakan kuasaNya
Ini dunia Bapa, burung menyanyilah!
Terang fajar, mekar bunga,
Nyatakan ciptaNya
Ini dunia Bapa, kasihNya besarlah
Dan semua yang bernafas,Nyatakan hadirNya
Ini dunia Bapa, s`lalu kuingatlah!
Kuasa dosa tak berjaya, hanya ia berkuasa
Ini dunia Bapa, hatiku tak susahlah
Umat semua memuji Dia,Nyatakan tahtaNya
This is my Father`s world
And to my list`ning ears
All nature sings and round me rings
The music of the spheres
This is my Father`s world I rest me the thought
Of rocks and trees of skies and seas,
His hand of wonders wrought
This is my Father`s world
The birds their carols raise
The morning light, the lily white
Declare their Maker`s praise
This is my Father`s world
He shines in all that`s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass
He speak to me ev`rywhere
This is my Father`s world
O let me ne`er forget
That though the wrong
Seems oft so strong
God is the Ruler yet
This is my Father`s world
The battle is not done
Jesus who died shall be satisfie
And earth and heaven be one
Syair : Maltbie D. Babcock,
Lagu : Franklin L. Sheppard
Langit, bumi, memuji Dia,
Bintang pun menggema
Ini dunia Bapa, hatiku tenanglah
Pohon, bunga, langit dan laut,
Nyatakan kuasaNya
Ini dunia Bapa, burung menyanyilah!
Terang fajar, mekar bunga,
Nyatakan ciptaNya
Ini dunia Bapa, kasihNya besarlah
Dan semua yang bernafas,Nyatakan hadirNya
Ini dunia Bapa, s`lalu kuingatlah!
Kuasa dosa tak berjaya, hanya ia berkuasa
Ini dunia Bapa, hatiku tak susahlah
Umat semua memuji Dia,Nyatakan tahtaNya
This is my Father`s world
And to my list`ning ears
All nature sings and round me rings
The music of the spheres
This is my Father`s world I rest me the thought
Of rocks and trees of skies and seas,
His hand of wonders wrought
This is my Father`s world
The birds their carols raise
The morning light, the lily white
Declare their Maker`s praise
This is my Father`s world
He shines in all that`s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass
He speak to me ev`rywhere
This is my Father`s world
O let me ne`er forget
That though the wrong
Seems oft so strong
God is the Ruler yet
This is my Father`s world
The battle is not done
Jesus who died shall be satisfie
And earth and heaven be one
Syair : Maltbie D. Babcock,
Lagu : Franklin L. Sheppard
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