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?Tuk memuji dan menyembah
O Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku
Eratkanlah tali kasih di antara kami semua
O Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku

Bergandengan tangan
Dalam satu satu kasih
Bergandengan tangan dalam satu iman
Saling mengasihi di antara kami
Keluarga kerajaan Allah
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Jeritanmu Kudengar
Kau di dunia yang gelap Ku s`lamatkan
Akulah Pencipta t`rang
Malam jadi benderang
Siapakah utusanKu membawa t`rang

Ini aku utus aku, utus aku
Ku dengar Engkau memanggilku
Utus aku, tuntun aku
Kupr`ihatin akan umatMu

Aku Tuhan semesta,
Ku menanggung sakitmu
Dan menangis kar`na kau tak mau dengar
Kan Kuubah hatimu
Yang keras jadi lembut
Siapa bawa firmanKu, utusanKu?

Aku Tuhan semesta
Ku melihat yang resah
Orang miskin dan lesu Aku jenguk
Aku ingin memberi
Yang ke perjamuan sorgawi
Siapa yang mewartakannya, siapakah?

I the Lord of sea and sky,
I heard my people cry
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save
I who made the stars of night
I will make their darkness bright
Who will bear My light to them,
Whom shall I send?

Here I am Lord, is it I Lord?
I have heard You calling in the night
I will go if You lead me,
I will hold Your people in my heart

I the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people`s pain
I have wept for love of them
They turn away
I will break their hearts of stone
Give them hearts for love alone
I will speak my Word to them,
Whom shal I send?

I the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame
I will set a feast for them,
My hand will save
Finest bread I will provide
Till heir hearts be satisfied
I will give my life to them,
Whom shall I send?
Syair & lagu: Dan Schutte
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Satu nama yang indah dari surga mulia
Bimbang takut diusirNya
Hati susah dihiburNya
Nama Yesus yang undah yang kucinta
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That I`ve been caught
In the mire of self
Just the time I feel
My minds been bought
By worldly wealth
But when the breeze begin to blow
I know the Spirit called
And all my worldly wondering
Just melt into His love

Lord I want to know You more
Deep within my soul I want to know You,
Lord I want to know You
To feel Your heart and know Your mind
Looking in Your eyes tears up within me
Lord I want to know You more
Lrd I want to know You

When my daily deeds
Ordinarily loose life
And shore my heart begin
To bleed sensitivity to Him is gone
I`ve take the race that set my face
And face a shattered soul
But the gentle arms of Jesus
Warm my hungering to be old

Lord I want to know You more
Deep within my soul I want to know You
Lord I want to know You
And I will give my final breath to know You
In the death and resurrection Christ
That say I want to know You
Lord, I want to know You more
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Yang menghiburkan
Perjalanan kuteruskan sampai ketemu
Kusingkirkan penghalang
Kata ini kupegang
Ya teruskanlah mencari senang abadi

Kaulah Yesus mengarahkan lurus langkahku
Aku sudah kelelahan b`rilah kuatMu
Ya tabahlah hatiku
Meninggalkan duniaku
Hantar aku orang dagang ke dunia

Sai hutuju hangongolu na pasabam au
Sai hugogo lao tu surgo, paima sahat au
Sabat hupasiding do hata on huingot do
Sai datdati manjalahi hasonangan i
Lagu : Philipp Friedrich Hiller 1769