F= do; 4/4

Hidupku seluruhnya
Hati dan perbuatanku
Pun waktuku milikNya
Bagi Yesus semuanya
Pun waktuku milikNya 2x

Tanganku kerja bagiNya
Kakiku mengikutNya
Mataku memandang Yesus
Yang kupuji Dialah
Bagi Yesus semuanya yang kupuji Dialah 2x

Ya sejak ?ku pandang Yesus
Kutinggalkan dosaku
Pada Dia ?kuterpaut,
Dia Jurus`lamatku
Bagi Yesus semuanya Dia Jurus`lamatku 2x

O betapa mengagumkan
Maharaja semesta
Mau memanggilku sahabat
Aku dilindungiNya
Bagi Yesus semuanya aku dilindungiNya 2x

All for Jesus, all for Jesus!
All my being`s ransomed power`s
All my thoughts and words and doings,
All my days and all my hours
All for Jesus all for Jesus,
All my days and all my hours 2x

Let my hands perform His bidding,
Let my feet run un His ways
Let my eyes see Jesus only,
Let my lips speak forth His praise
All for Jesus all for Jesus,
Let my lips speak forth His praise 2x

Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus,
I`ve lost sight of all beside
So enchained my spirit`s vision,
Looking at the Crucified
All for Jesus all for Jesus
Looking at the Crucified 2x

O what wonder how amazing!
Jesus glorious King of kings
Deigns to call me His beloved,
Lets me rest beneath His wings
All for Jesus all for Jesus
Resting now beneath His wings 2x