E=do; 4/4

Kepada Yesus Tuhanku
Besar pengorbananNya di kalvari
DiharapNya terbaik dariku

Berapa yang terhilang t`lah kucari
Dan kulepaskan yang terbelenggu
Sudahkan yang terbaik kuberikan
Kepada Yesus Tuhanku

Begitu banyak waktu yang terluang
Sedikit kub`ri padaNya
Sebab kurang kasihku pada Yesus
Mungkinkah hancur pula hatiNya

Telah kuperhatikankah sesama
Atau kubiarkan tegar
Ku patut menghantarnya pada Kristus
Dan kasih Tuhan harus disebar

Ku tak mau lebih lama dalam jurang
Kupanjat dindingnya terjal
Dunia yang kan binasa memerlukan
Berita kasih Allah yang kekal

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus
Who died opon the cruel tree
To think of His great sacrifice at Calv`ry
I know my Lord expects the best from me

How many are the lost that I have lifted
How many are the chained I`ve help to free
I wonder have I done my best for Jesus
When He has done so much for me

The hours that I have wasted are so many
The hours I`ve spent for Christ so few
Because of all my lack of love for Jesus
I wonder if His heart is breaking too

I wonder have I cared enough to others
Or have I let them to die alone
I might have helped
A wand`rer to the Savior
The seed of precious life
I might have sown

No longer will I stay within the valley
I`ll climb to mauntain heights above
The world is dying now
For want of someone
To tell them of the Savior`s macthless love
Syair: Ensign Edwin Young
Lagu: Harry E Storrs